Well, Sock Wars have started. I’m not sure I totally grasp the concept, but I have the pattern and my “target” so I’m happily knitting away. I cast on two socks at once on Magic Loop for the first time and it’s going well. I have been unable to log into the Sock Wars Forums though which is frustrating. I have signed up with two different names but I never get the email confirmation and it doesn’t let me in.
Knit on!!
posted September 27, 2006 06:50 AM · Comment?
This is the Surfer Girl Halter Top from the July 2006 Creative Knitting Magazine. This is a quick and fun knit. I started it on Friday night and finished the halter portion on Saturday. It actually took longer to make the cord for the ties. It’s a tad big, but my daughter likes it so she should be able to wear it for a couple of summers. If you are in need of some instant gratification, this is the project for you.
posted July 25, 2006 05:19 PM · Comment?
These are the Simply Lovely Lace Socks from the Spring 2006 Interweave Knits. I had a little trouble getting my needle size correct. Note to self, if the K2tog is really difficult, your needle is probably too small. :-)
These were made for my daughter’s teacher. We are going to miss her so much. Almost makes me want to have another kid to go through her class. JUST KIDDING.
posted June 26, 2006 09:53 AM · Comment?
posted March 23, 2006 10:25 PM · Comment? [1]
posted August 7, 2005 10:00 PM ·