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Just when I finish one, I of course must start another.  I took my daughter with me to the LYS the other day.  She was drooling over this eyelash cardigan that they had hanging up.  So, I thought I could make one for her birthday next month.  I camped out at the LYS this morning for 2 hours and seamed the raglan sleeves of my Capri sweater so I asked for the pattern.  Unfortunately it only went up to 4.  But I did find a pattern for a child's eyelash pullover and some great purple tweedy eyelash yarn.  I could not find an online picture of it, but maybe I'll scan it and post it here later.  It's straight knit so it should go pretty fast, Becca informed me that I have 33 days till her birthday.  LOL

I also got a note today that I got into Secret Pal 5 so I will be filling out my questionaire and posting it here tomorrow.  How fun.  I have a few things in mind for my secret pal already. 

I also finished up Capri today.  I'll have pictures to post tomorrow.  It actually fits.  I'm not sure it's the most flattering sweater I own, but it does fit.  It's just that it's very bulky yarn.  Just have to weave in the ends now.  :-)

posted June 4, 2005 10:41 PM · Comment?


Mason's blankie is officially done!  Well, minus a bit of blocking around the edges, but I'm not counting that.  emoticon  It's so cool to finish projects. 


Hopefully you can see the lace pattern in this pic. 

Now on to a psuedo knit-a-long with my friend Lori.  The Trellis sweater from Knitty.  My daughter and I will be going to the LYS tomorrow evening to find just the right yarn for this.  We'll see what we come up with. 


I'm a bit intimidated because it has 3 elements that will be new to me:  cables, button band and knitting from a chart.  But I think Lori and I can help each other trough the hurdles.  It will be challenging but I think we are up for it. 

posted May 24, 2005 09:32 PM · Comment?


We did a pretty major remodel to our basement last year - as most of you probably know - but due to an emergency sewer pipe replacement, we ran out of money and didn't get everything finished they way we had envisioned.  One of those things was the stairs, they did get rebuilt, but they never got carpet.  Well, a year later, the carpet is being installed next Friday.  That meant we (me) had to paint before that happened.  Let me tell ya, painting a stairwell sucks big time.  But, it's just about ready.  I'm hoping to get the railing and door painted before Friday, but if it doesn't happen, it's not the end of the world.  Here are a few pics before and after. 


Stairs #2



Almost ready for carpet.  emoticon  Doesn't look much different in the pictures.  LOL

posted May 8, 2005 08:04 PM · Comment? [1]


So much going on, so little time.

Friday night we went to the Spring Fling where Becca got to wear her fuzzy flip flops.  They fit right in with the hawaiian theme.

 fuzzy flip flops.jpg

Saturday night the hubby and I got to have a date night.  The kids went to their cousin's for a sleepover and we went to see Maroon 5.  We haven't been to a concert in eons, it was a great time. 

We also got a new addition to our family on Saturday.  Noah joined us early Saturday morning.  10 days early, but happy and healthy at 7lbs 14oz. 

It was a good weekend all around. 

posted May 2, 2005 10:34 PM · Comment?


Please bear with me, I'm a newbie at this.  emoticon  I've gotten through another tax season and am looking foward to catching up on some things around the house and yard in the weeks to come.  We FINALLY picked out carpet for the basement stairs.  I'm cannot wait for that part of the house to look more finished.  Hope ya'll like the project progress meters, maybe they will inspire me to finish some items. 


posted April 19, 2005 12:42 PM · Comment?


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